Practice Yoga

They say we “practice” yoga which is to say every time you arrive at your mat you are open and discovering your body, again.

It starts with a mindset of gratitude. Being thankful for what your body can do for you today and hopeful for what your body can do for your tomorrow.

Choose a frequency that is realistic — once a month, once a week, once a day. Commit to the practice by scheduling this important self care for yourself. Leverage community, family and friends to support this goal to practice. Make space for self care. Arrive at your mat ready, go with the flow and check in with yourself throughout.

Take time to be where you are — be yoga “fit”.

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Practice Yoga

“Breath is a channel that connects the Mind, body & soul.”

— Unknown

YogaFit Flow

We invite you to “practice” with our YogaFit Founder, Beth Shaw.